Called. Justified. Glorified.

Toyin Olubiyi

Welcome to my blog! I’m delighted that you’re here. My name is Toyin Olubiyi, and I have a deep passion for sowing the seed of God’s word. Whether it’s through studying and keeping it close to my heart or speaking it into the lives of my family and friends, I find great joy in sharing the love and wisdom of God.

In addition to being a woman devoted to spreading the word of God, I am also a mother to three incredible children and a dedicated wife. Professionally, I am a physician with a specialization in Public Health. Currently, I work in this field and find immense fulfillment in making a positive impact on the well-being of others.

I hail from Nigeria, West Africa, and a few years ago, my husband and I were led by the Holy Spirit to uproot our family of four and move to the United States. Taking this step of faith has been truly transformative, and we are eternally grateful for the new opportunities and experiences we have encountered here.

When I’m not engaged in my work or ministry, I enjoy indulging in my hobbies, such as reading, writing, cooking, traveling, exercising, and most importantly, spending cherished moments with my loved ones.

I invite you to join me on this journey as we delve into the depths of God’s word, explore various topics, and share valuable insights and experiences. Together, we can grow in faith, knowledge, and spiritual understanding. Thank you for stopping by, and I look forward to connecting with you!

Our Identity in Christ

“Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified”. Romans 8:30



We have been called from a life characterized by rebellion and unbelief, and invited into the marvelous freedom that comes from embracing Christ. As a result, we are now able to experience a deep connection with God in joyful companionship.



In the eyes of the Father, we have been justified (deemed righteous), as if we had never sinned. Our transgressions have been erased, never to be reminisced again.



God has generously bestowed upon us a portion of His divine glory, along with His beloved son Jesus Christ. Through our resurrection with Christ, we now share in His inheritance as joint heirs.

The incorruptible Seed of the Word

“Having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever”. 1 Peter 1:23

bible, scriptures, reading